Wednesday, November 14, 2012

pHenomenal Water - Helps

pHenomenal water.

What is it? It is a product you add to water (distilled perferably) that helps to make your body more alkaline, and thus suppose to make the body a place the bacteria cannot live.

Our experience thus far has been positive, and follows in line what we have learned from other sources. I recommend it.

The guy promoting the product, obviously, loves his product and thinks it is amazing. I like it. He, however, discourages other things I know have been helpful.... therefore, I like the product and think it will help.. but beware if he turns you off to other GOOD things.

He also writes in such a way, as to make you feel he is a little strange, (IE mention of the 'borg'), but DON"T  let that 'off put' you. I think it is a genuinely GOOD PRODUCT that will be helpful in your battle against MRSA, and I think he really does want to help others.

In summation, I think it is a good product and recommend it. The dude is a little strange but well meaning, and the product is worth it.